## 要求されたパッケージ rjags をロード中です
## 要求されたパッケージ coda をロード中です
## Linked to JAGS 4.3.1
## Loaded modules: basemod,bugs
## 要求されたパッケージ Formula をロード中です
## 要求されたパッケージ abind をロード中です
## This is cmdstanr version 0.5.3
## - CmdStanR documentation and vignettes:
## - CmdStan path: /usr/local/cmdstan
## - CmdStan version: 2.31.0
## This is posterior version 1.3.1
## 次のパッケージを付け加えます: 'posterior'
## 以下のオブジェクトは 'package:stats' からマスクされています:
## mad, sd, var
## This is bayesplot version 1.10.0
## - Online documentation and vignettes at
## - bayesplot theme set to bayesplot::theme_default()
## * Does _not_ affect other ggplot2 plots
## * See ?bayesplot_theme_set for details on theme setting
## 次のパッケージを付け加えます: 'bayesplot'
## 以下のオブジェクトは 'package:posterior' からマスクされています:
## rhat
::knit_engines$set(stan = cmdstanr::eng_cmdstan) knitr
\[z \sim \mathrm{Bern}(p)\] \[\mathrm{logit}(p) = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 x\] \[y = 0 \quad \text{if} \, z = 0\] \[y \sim \mathrm{Beta}(\mu, \kappa) \quad \text{if} \, z = 1\] \[\mathrm{logit}(\mu) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x\]
<- function(x) {
inv_logit 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
}<- 100
N <- runif(N, 0, 10)
X <- inv_logit(-4.5 + 2 * X)
p <-inv_logit(-1 + 0.3 * X)
mu <- 6
kappa <- mu * kappa
alpha <- (1 - mu) * kappa
beta <- rbinom(N, 1, p)
z <- z * rbeta(N, alpha, beta)
Y <- data.frame(X = X, Y = Y) sim_data
<- ggplot(sim_data, aes(x = X, y = Y)) +
p0 geom_point()
<- lm(Y ~ X, data = sim_data)
fit1 summary(fit1)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Y ~ X, data = sim_data)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -0.42739 -0.13075 -0.03495 0.13098 0.50236
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.007131 0.036579 0.195 0.846
## X 0.107071 0.007062 15.162 <2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.1958 on 98 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.7011, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6981
## F-statistic: 229.9 on 1 and 98 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
p0 geom_abline(intercept = coef(fit1)[1],
slope = coef(fit1)[2])
<- zoib(Y ~ X | 1 | X, data = sim_data,
fit2 zero.inflation = TRUE, one.inflation = FALSE,
n.chain = 3, n.iter = 10000, n.burn = 2000, n.thin = 8)
## [1] "***************************************************************************"
## [1] "* List of parameter for which the posterior samples are generated *"
## [1] "* b: regression coeff in the linear predictor for the mean of beta dist'n *"
## [1] "* d: regression coeff in the linear predictor for the sum of the two *"
## [1] "* shape parameters in the beta distribution *"
## [1] "* b0: regression coeff in the linear predictor for Prob(y=0) *"
## [1] "* b1: regression coeff in the linear predictor for Prob(y=1) *"
## [1] "***************************************************************************"
## Compiling model graph
## Resolving undeclared variables
## Allocating nodes
## Graph information:
## Observed stochastic nodes: 100
## Unobserved stochastic nodes: 18
## Total graph size: 4846
## Initializing model
## NOTE: Stopping adaptation
## [1] "NOTE: in the header of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output of"
## [1] "parameters (coeff), predicted values (ypred), residuals (resid), and"
## [1] "standardized residuals (resid.std), *Start, End, Thinning Interval*"
## [1] "values are after the initial burning and thinning periods specified"
## [1] "by the user. For example, n.iter = 151, n.thin = 2, n.burn=1,"
## [1] "then MCMC header of the *coeff* output would read as follows"
## [1] "-----------------------------------------"
## [1] "Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) output:"
## [1] "Start = 1"
## [1] "End = 75"
## [1] "Thinning interval = 1"
## [1] " "
## [1] " "
## [1] "Coefficients are presented in the order of b, "
## [1] "b0 (if zero.inflation=TRUE), b1 (if one.inflation=TRUE), and d"
<- fit2$coeff
samp traceplot(samp)
## Iterations = 1:1000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Number of chains = 3
## Sample size per chain = 1000
## 1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
## plus standard error of the mean:
## Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
## (Intercept) -1.0042 0.23186 0.0042332 0.0043135
## X 0.3178 0.04167 0.0007608 0.0007735
## (Intercept) 4.4267 1.13638 0.0207473 0.0283880
## X -1.9283 0.46037 0.0084052 0.0124950
## (Intercept) 1.9480 0.16267 0.0029699 0.0029823
## 2. Quantiles for each variable:
## 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
## (Intercept) -1.4564 -1.1626 -1.0026 -0.8486 -0.5361
## X 0.2337 0.2898 0.3182 0.3449 0.3990
## (Intercept) 2.4438 3.6069 4.3476 5.1219 6.9407
## X -2.9743 -2.1989 -1.8915 -1.6098 -1.1338
## (Intercept) 1.6083 1.8433 1.9514 2.0578 2.2558
fit2## JAGS model:
## model
## {
## K <-1000
## for(i in 1:n)
## {
## d0[i]<- step(0.0001-y[i]) #d=1 if y=0
## # 1: mean
## logit(ph1[i,1]) <- inprod(b[], xmu.1[i,])
## cloglog(ph1[i,2])<- inprod(b[], xmu.1[i,])
## probit(ph1[i,3]) <- inprod(b[], xmu.1[i,])
## mu[i] <- inprod(ph1[i, ],link[1,])
## # 2: sum
## log(den[i]) <- inprod(d[], xsum.1[i,])
## s[i,1]<- den[i]*mu[i]
## s[i,2]<- den[i]*(1-mu[i])
## # 3: zero
## logit(ph2[i,1]) <- inprod(b0[], x0.1[i,])
## cloglog(ph2[i,2])<- inprod(b0[], x0.1[i,])
## probit(ph2[i,3]) <- inprod(b0[], x0.1[i,])
## p0[i]<- inprod(ph2[i, ],link[2,])
## ll[i]<- d0[i]*log(p0[i])+(1-d0[i])*log(1-p0[i])+
## (1-d0[i])*((s[i,1]-1)*log(y[i])+(s[i,2]-1)*log(1-y[i])+
## loggam(s[i,1]+s[i,2])-loggam(s[i,1])-loggam(s[i,2]))
## trick[i] <- K-ll[i]
## zero[i] ~ dpois(trick[i])
## ypred[i] <- (1-p0[i])*mu[i]
## }
## ################# regression coeff ##################
## tmp1 ~ dnorm(0, hyper[1,1])
## b[1] <- tmp1
## for(i in 1:(p.xmu-1))
## {
## ### diffuse normal ###
## b.tmp[i,1] ~ dnorm(0.0, hyper[1,2])
## ### L1 (lasso) ###
## b.tmp[i,2] ~ dnorm(0.0,taub.L1[i]);
## taub.L1[i] <- 1/sigmab.L1[i];
## sigmab.L1[i] ~ dexp(hyper[1,3]);
## ### L2 (ridge) ###
## b.tmp[i,3] ~ dnorm(0.0,taub.L2);
## ### ARD ###
## b.tmp[i,4] ~ dnorm(0.0,taub.ARD[i]);
## taub.ARD[i] ~ dgamma(hyper[1,5], hyper[1,5]);
## b[i+1] <- inprod(b.tmp[i, ],prior1[1,])
## }
## taub.L2 ~ dgamma(hyper[1,4],hyper[1,4]); # L2 (ridge)
## tmp2 ~ dnorm(0, hyper[2,1])
## d[1] <- tmp2
## for(i in 1:(p.xsum-1))
## {
## d.tmp[i,1] ~ dnorm(0, hyper[2,2])
## d.tmp[i,2] ~ dnorm(0.0,taud.L1[i]);
## taud.L1[i] <- 1/sigmad.L1[i];
## sigmad.L1[i] ~ dexp(hyper[2,3]);
## d.tmp[i,3] ~ dnorm(0.0,taud.L2);
## d.tmp[i,4] ~ dnorm(0.0,taud.ARD[i]);
## taud.ARD[i] ~ dgamma(hyper[2,5], hyper[2,5]);
## d[i+1] <- inprod(d.tmp[i, ],prior1[2,])
## }
## taud.L2 ~ dgamma(hyper[2,4],hyper[2,4]);
## tmp3~ dnorm(0, hyper[3,1])
## b0[1] <- tmp3
## for(i in 1:(p.x0-1))
## {
## b0.tmp[i,1] ~ dnorm(0, hyper[3,2])
## b0.tmp[i,2] ~ dnorm(0.0,taub0.L1[i]);
## taub0.L1[i] <- 1/sigmab0.L1[i];
## sigmab0.L1[i] ~ dexp(hyper[3,3]);
## b0.tmp[i,3] ~ dnorm(0.0,taub0.L2);
## b0.tmp[i,4] ~ dnorm(0.0,taub0.ARD[i]);
## taub0.ARD[i] ~ dgamma(hyper[3,5],hyper[3,5]);
## b0[i+1] <- inprod(b0.tmp[i, ],prior1[3,])
## }
## taub0.L2 ~ dgamma(hyper[3,4],hyper[3,4]);
## }
## Fully observed variables:
## hyper link n p.x0 p.xmu p.xsum prior1 x0.1 xmu.1 xsum.1 y zero
data {
int<lower=0> N; // number of data points
vector[N] X; // explanatory variable
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[N] Y; // objective variable
int<lower=0> N_xnew; //
vector[N_xnew] X_new; // new x for prediction
parameters {
array[2] real alpha; // intercept and slope in the probability model
// (logit scale)
array[2] real beta; // intercept and slope in the beta model
// (logit scale)
real<lower=0> kappa; // precision parameter
transformed parameters {
vector[N] logit_p = alpha[1] + alpha[2] * X;
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[N] mu = inv_logit(beta[1] + beta[2] * X);
model {
for (n in 1:N) {
if (Y[n] == 0)
target += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(0 | logit_p[n]);
target += bernoulli_logit_lpmf(1 | logit_p[n])
+ beta_proportion_lpdf(Y[n] | mu[n], kappa);
// priors
0, 10);
alpha ~ normal(0, 10);
beta ~ normal(
generated quantities {
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[N] yrep; // replication for PPC
vector<lower=0,upper=1>[N_xnew] ypred; // prediction for new X
vector[N_xnew] new_logit_p = alpha[1] + alpha[2] * X_new;
vector[N_xnew] new_mu = inv_logit(beta[1] + beta[2] * X_new);
for (n in 1:N) {
int z = bernoulli_logit_rng(logit_p[n]);
yrep[n] = z * beta_proportion_rng(mu[n], kappa);
for (n in 1:N_xnew) {
int z = bernoulli_logit_rng(new_logit_p[n]);
ypred[n] = z * beta_proportion_rng(new_mu[n], kappa);
} }
<- seq(0, 10, length = 101)
xnew <- list(N = N, X = X, Y = Y,
stan_data N_xnew = length(xnew), X_new = xnew)
<- model$sample(data = stan_data,
fit3 iter_warmup = 1000, iter_sampling = 3000,
refresh = 1000)
## Running MCMC with 4 sequential chains...
## Chain 1 Iteration: 1 / 4000 [ 0%] (Warmup)
## Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 4000 [ 25%] (Warmup)
## Chain 1 Iteration: 1001 / 4000 [ 25%] (Sampling)
## Chain 1 Iteration: 2000 / 4000 [ 50%] (Sampling)
## Chain 1 Iteration: 3000 / 4000 [ 75%] (Sampling)
## Chain 1 Iteration: 4000 / 4000 [100%] (Sampling)
## Chain 1 finished in 2.1 seconds.
## Chain 2 Iteration: 1 / 4000 [ 0%] (Warmup)
## Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 4000 [ 25%] (Warmup)
## Chain 2 Iteration: 1001 / 4000 [ 25%] (Sampling)
## Chain 2 Iteration: 2000 / 4000 [ 50%] (Sampling)
## Chain 2 Iteration: 3000 / 4000 [ 75%] (Sampling)
## Chain 2 Iteration: 4000 / 4000 [100%] (Sampling)
## Chain 2 finished in 1.9 seconds.
## Chain 3 Iteration: 1 / 4000 [ 0%] (Warmup)
## Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 4000 [ 25%] (Warmup)
## Chain 3 Iteration: 1001 / 4000 [ 25%] (Sampling)
## Chain 3 Iteration: 2000 / 4000 [ 50%] (Sampling)
## Chain 3 Iteration: 3000 / 4000 [ 75%] (Sampling)
## Chain 3 Iteration: 4000 / 4000 [100%] (Sampling)
## Chain 3 finished in 2.0 seconds.
## Chain 4 Iteration: 1 / 4000 [ 0%] (Warmup)
## Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 4000 [ 25%] (Warmup)
## Chain 4 Iteration: 1001 / 4000 [ 25%] (Sampling)
## Chain 4 Iteration: 2000 / 4000 [ 50%] (Sampling)
## Chain 4 Iteration: 3000 / 4000 [ 75%] (Sampling)
## Chain 4 Iteration: 4000 / 4000 [100%] (Sampling)
## Chain 4 finished in 2.1 seconds.
## All 4 chains finished successfully.
## Mean chain execution time: 2.0 seconds.
## Total execution time: 8.5 seconds.
$print(variables = c("alpha", "beta", "kappa"), digits = 2)
fit3## variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
## alpha[1] -4.37 -4.28 1.11 1.10 -6.33 -2.72 1.00 5553 4818
## alpha[2] 1.91 1.87 0.45 0.44 1.24 2.70 1.00 5452 4953
## beta[1] -1.01 -1.01 0.23 0.23 -1.40 -0.64 1.00 5543 6374
## beta[2] 0.32 0.32 0.04 0.04 0.25 0.39 1.00 5539 6640
## kappa 7.26 7.19 1.19 1.17 5.45 9.36 1.00 8798 6953
<- fit3$draws("yrep") |>
yrep as_draws_matrix()
ppc_dens_overlay(y = Y, yrep = yrep[1:100, ])
<- seq(0, 10, length = 101)
x <- fit3$summary("alpha")$mean
alpha <- fit3$summary("beta")$mean
beta <- inv_logit(alpha[1] + alpha[2] * x)
p <- inv_logit(beta[1] + beta[2] * x)
mu <- data.frame(X = x, p = p, mu = mu) df
ggplot(df, aes(x = X, y = p)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, 1)
ggplot(df, aes(x = X, y = mu)) +
geom_line() +
ylim(0, 1)
<- fit3$summary("ypred")
ypred ggplot() +
geom_ribbon(data = data.frame(x = xnew,
ymin = ypred$q5, ymax = ypred$q95),
mapping = aes(x = x, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax),
alpha = 0.5) +
geom_line(data = data.frame(x = xnew, y = ypred$median),
mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_point(data = sim_data, mapping = aes(x = X, y = Y))
ylim(0, 1)
## <ScaleContinuousPosition>
## Range:
## Limits: 0 -- 1